Yo, Bro!
'Yo, Bro! A Call to Men' was created to focus on Community Service, Graduation, finding a killer job and redefining 'The Man Box'. We meet bi-weekly to review college and career opportunities, financial planning, life mapping, soft skills seminars and embed social and emotional support to help our students redefine what it means to be a man in modern day society. Each semester we plan and execute a free community service event to give back. Our members are also found at numerous service events around town. Although the club was founded to focus on the male identifying population, we realized quickly that we would be better by including all students. As a result we have a strong representation of all gender identifications as we collaborate together to improve society's interpretation of manliness.
We meet the first and third Thursday of each month in WW227. Mrs. Jamison Bensley is the Advisor.